Monday, May 27, 2013

Introducing Me.

Quick intro.  This is Leanne, by the way.  I'm a Jesus lover, wife, mom, urban gardener, knitter, canner, with a part time job.  I'm super honest (almost to a fault, almost) and slightly opinionated.  I love need coffee.  I won't shop at Wal-Mart.  I try to purchase local or fair trade foods where at all possible (and that's not always possible in rural Ontario).  My fav bible verse is Isaiah 1:17 "Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow."  Bottom line...  I'm going to Haiti with my Iron Friend in 6 weeks.  What were we thinking?!?

In 6 weeks Dian and I are off to Haiti for 6 days of serving at a school and children's home.  We will be supporting the train the teacher program.  Pretty exciting, right?  It's a real nail biter...  well, maybe not for you, but for me, a wife and mom of 3 kids, it's pretty scary.  I'm abandoning my family for 6 days, travelling with another not-so-seasoned traveller (no offence Iron friend!), and planning on coming back broken wide open for Him. 

So, to help ease my nerves I will blog.  Not promising I'll blog often in the next 6 weeks, remember, I'm a wife and mom with a job and a few quirky hobbies.  If any of this interests you...  grab  cup of coffee and read on...  maybe say a little prayer for patience as I begin my babble.

I am a pretty open and honest gal.  Ask me a question and I give you an answer... some times without much thought... Lately a lot of people have been asking me if I'm excited about my trip to Haiti.  My quick answer...  NO!  I'm scared and freaked out!!  You should see the look of shock on faces when they get that answer.

Let's be honest...  What normal wife, mom of 3, employed government worker, homebody, would be excited about a trip where we leave our loved ones and travel to unknown "4th" world country?  C'mon, let's be honest here. 

Next question I get asked:  Then why are you going?  My quick answer:  Because I am His daughter.  If I'm asked for more details or if I get a blank stare I follow with:  That's what His children do, we serve, we fight for the cause of widows, orphans and the oppressed.  We feed His lambs.  It's simple, really. theory maybe. 
I could go into how easy this has all come together for us and how we know it's God's will and desire for us to go on this trip, but that's not why I'm blogging...  I'm blogging to get focus.  I know all the facts, but the problem is I'm scared for so many reasons.  How many times have you known what was the right decision, but made the wrong decision because it was easier.  God's will isn't easy.  His path isn't a four lane highway.  It's a scary path up a mountain.  Guess I should buy some good boots... where does a thrifty big box avoiding mom find such boots?

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